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Statistics Act No.9 of 2011 mandated the NSA to establish and coordinate the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for Namibia. The NSDI is established as the national technical and institutional framework to facilitate the capture, management, maintenance, integration, distribution, and use of spatial data.

The present NSDI Policy (2015) draws credit from the 2003 draft policy. Informing the Policy research was conducted on recommendations that could be useful for Namibia in establishing the process to get to a successful NSDI. These recommendations are many but can be summarized as follows:

  • Develop a common view on the NSDI
  • Address the need for policies that promote access and sharing of information
  • Apply free access for public sector GI with a limited number of exemptions
  • Promote transparency of user restrictions
  • Promote documentation of metadata
  • Promote free viewing of public sector GI
  • Promote free availability of GI within government
  • Create a one-stop-shop to give information about available GI
  • Promote the development of private value-added services
  • Implement capacity building in its widest definition (including change management and conflict resolving)
  • Carry out institutional development
  • Aggregate services and content in the SDI
  • Promote Public-Private Partnerships

To coordinate, facilitate and support the implementation of an information infrastructure that ensures efficient production, use, maintenance, and dissemination of relevant, quality, and accurate spatial information that is fit-for-purpose, particularly in providing evidence-based decision making at all levels of society.


An NSDI with a governance structure that can efficiently operate the NSDI and sufficient funding to ensure its implementation and long-term sustainability nationwide.

  • Focus on service delivery to all stakeholders.
  • Transparency of spatial data practices and procedures with all Custodians.
  • Accuracy in spatial data and metadata.
  • Timeliness in the provision of spatial data and metadata.
  • Extensive stakeholder engagement.
  • Supporting spatial data partnerships within government and other sectors of society.
Facilitate the capture of spatial data through cooperation between government bodies and other organs of state;
Promote the use and sharing of spatial data in support of spatial planning, socio-economic development, and related activities;
Create an environment that facilitates coordination and cooperation among stakeholders regarding access to spatial data;
Eliminate duplication in the capturing of spatial data, and facilitate the protection of copyright of the State in works relating to spatial data.
Promote effective management and maintenance of spatial data;

An NSDI with a governance structure that can efficiently operate the NSDI and sufficient funding to ensure its implementation and long-term sustainability nationwide.

NSDI commits sufficient attention and resources to building capacity nationally to sustain national development and that helps create an informed society.
An NSDI that facilitates access to, and maximizes the use of, quality, timely and accurate spatial data.
An NSDI that helps to eliminate duplication of effort in spatial data collection and use and reduces waste of limited resources.

As the Secretariat, the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) is coordinating the NSDI in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. The Statistician-General administers the NSDI through the committee of Spatial Data and report to the NSA board on a quarterly basis